Edward G. Tiedemann Jr.
Board Member
Qualcomm Fellow and Senior Vice President of Engineering, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
Dr. Edward G. Tiedemann, Jr. is a Qualcomm Fellow and a Senior Vice President of Engineering of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. He leads Qualcomm’s worldwide standardization and industry organization activities. Dr. Tiedemann was instrumental in the design and development of the TIA/EIA/IS-95 CDMA system, also called cdmaOne™. He led Qualcomm’s, and much of the industry’s, efforts in the design and development of the third-generation cdma2000® system. Dr. Tiedemann led the offline industry group on M2M convergence, which resulted in oneM2M. In addition to being on the board of the MulteFire Alliance, Dr. Tiedemann is also on the board of the Open Mobile Alliance and the Open Connectivity Foundation.
Prior to becoming involved with terrestrial wireless communications, Dr. Tiedemann was involved with numerous commercial and military satellite systems. From 1977 to 1988, Dr. Tiedemann was at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, where he worked on mmWave satellite communications systems.
Dr. Tiedemann holds a Ph.D. degree from MIT where he worked in the areas of queueing theory and communications networks. He holds a Master of Science degree from Purdue University where he worked on bandwidth efficient modulation. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity (Va Tech).
Dr. Tiedemann is past chairman ofthe Advisory Board of the College of Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity (Va Tech). He currently sits on the Advisory Board of the Purdue University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is also a member of the Board of Overseers of the Peabody Essex Museum.
Dr. Tiedemann was General Chair of GLOBECOM2015, one of the IEEE Communications Society flagship conferences.