PCTEL Scanners and Antennas Ideal for Small Cell and Industrial IoT Deployments
SAN FRANCISCO – September 12, 2017 — PCTEL, Inc. (Nasdaq:PCTI), a leader in Performance Critical TELecom solutions, announced today at Mobile World Congress Americas that it has joined the MulteFire Alliance. The Alliance is an international consortium established to define and promote MulteFire™, which enables LTE-based cellular and Internet of Things (IoT) network configurations operating solely in unlicensed and shared spectrum.
By enabling standalone configurations in unlicensed and shared spectrum, MulteFire makes high performance wireless technology available to a variety of users beyond the established carrier base. Solutions based on MulteFire technology will enable enterprise, venues, and ISPs to deploy neutral host small cells, providing hyper-dense mobile connectivity. Industrial users will be able to deploy reliable wireless IoT networks without the need to purchase spectrum.
“It is important to the commercial success of MulteFire technology that we build a complete eco-system, including test and measurement partners such as PCTEL,” said Mazen Chmaytelli, President, MulteFire Alliance and Sr. Director Business Development, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “PCTEL has a strong reputation in both test and measurement and antenna design, with a range of products that can be used to deploy MulteFire.”
PCTEL’s IBflex® and MXflex® scanning receivers and antenna solutions currently support all MulteFire frequencies. PCTEL’s scanning receivers provide RF measurements to support planning and configuring of wireless networks. PCTEL also offers a complete portfolio of antennas as well as embedded systems design and integration expertise for small cells and the industrial Internet of Things.
“PCTEL’s flex scanning receivers are precision RF measurement tools based on software-defined radio technology, ideal for assessing technology performance and identifying sources of interference. They will adapt to MulteFire technology regardless of the spectrum being used,” said Jeff Miller, PCTEL’s Senior Vice President and General Manager, RF Solutions. “We look forward to working closely with the Alliance as this exciting technology develops and supports today’s use cases as well as use cases we haven’t imagined,” added Miller.
About MulteFire Alliance
The MulteFire Alliance is an international association dedicated to building a global ecosystem in support of the common interests of members, developers and users in the application of Long Term Evolution (LTE) and next generation mobile cellular technology in configurations that use only unlicensed and shared radio spectrum. For more information about MulteFire technology, its benefits how to become a member of the MulteFire Alliance, please visit www.MulteFire.org.
PCTEL delivers Performance Critical TELecom technology solutions to the wireless industry. We are the leading global supplier of antennas and wireless network testing solutions. PCTEL Connected Solutions designs and manufactures precision antennas. PCTEL antennas are deployed in small cells, enterprise Wi-Fi access points, fleet management and transit systems, and in equipment and devices for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). PCTEL RF Solutions provides test tools and engineering services that improve the performance of wireless networks globally. Mobile operators, neutral hosts, and equipment manufacturers rely on PCTEL’s scanning receivers and testing solutions to analyze, design, and optimize next generation wireless networks.
For more information, please visit the following websites.
PCTEL Corporate: http://www.pctel.com/
PCTEL Connected Solutions: http://www.antenna.com/
PCTEL RF Solutions: http://rfsolutions.pctel.com/
For further information contact:
Michael Rosenberg
Director of Marketing
(301) 444-2046